Stephen Woods Jr.因作为重罪犯非法持有枪支而被判处6.5年监禁。 Stephen Woods Jr. was sentenced to 6.5 years in prison for illegally possessing a firearm as a felon.
Stephen Duane Woods Jr., 40,来自密歇根州卡拉马佐, 被判处6.5年联邦徒刑,罪名是非法持有枪支,作为有家庭暴力历史的被定罪重罪犯。 Stephen Duane Woods Jr., 40, from Kalamazoo, Michigan, was sentenced to 6.5 years in federal prison for illegally possessing a firearm as a convicted felon with a history of domestic violence. 对他的定罪源自2023年9月的一起事件,当时他殴打他的女朋友,并用装有子弹的枪威胁她。 His conviction stems from a September 2023 incident where he assaulted his girlfriend and threatened her with a loaded gun. 美国检察官Mark Totten强调保护家庭暴力幸存者的重要性,强调本案与安全邻里项目的联系。 U.S. Attorney Mark Totten emphasized the importance of protecting domestic violence survivors, highlighting this case's connection to Project Safe Neighborhoods.