匈牙利对乌克兰难民的国家支持仅限于来自受冲突影响地区的乌克兰难民。 Hungary limits state support for Ukrainian refugees to those from conflict-affected regions.
匈牙利颁布了一项新的法律,限制国家对乌克兰难民的支持,这可能影响到成千上万的乌克兰难民。 Hungary has enacted a new law limiting state support for Ukrainian refugees, potentially affecting thousands of them. 法律只向直接受乌克兰持续冲突影响的地区的难民提供援助。 The law only offers aid to refugees from regions directly impacted by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. 匈牙利政府计划每月更新受灾地区名单。 The Hungarian government plans to update the list of affected regions monthly. 目前,约有31 000名乌克兰难民在匈牙利,尚不清楚有多少人将受到这一条例的影响。 Currently, around 31,000 Ukrainian refugees are in Hungary, and it is unclear how many will be impacted by this regulation. 人权团体警告说,脆弱的难民,特别是来自外喀尔巴阡地区的罗姆少数民族难民,有流离失所的危险。 Human rights groups warn that vulnerable refugees, particularly the Roma ethnic minority from the Transcarpathian region, are at risk of being displaced.