FCA敦促联合王国保险公司提高公允价值和结果,威胁管制行动。 FCA urges UK insurers to improve fair value and outcomes, threatens regulatory action.
联合王国财务行为管理局呼吁保险公司证明它们提供了公平价值和良好的客户结果。 The UK's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is calling on insurers to demonstrate they provide fair value and good customer outcomes. 在最近的一份报告中,《公平竞争法》强调了信息共享和确定目标市场等问题,并指出,虽然取得了一些进展,但需要做出更多改进,才能为客户带来一致的良好结果。 In a recent report, the FCA highlighted issues with information sharing and identifying target markets, and stated that while some progress has been made, more improvements are needed for consistent good outcomes for customers. 《公平竞争法》警告说,如果保险人无法遵守规则并提供公允价值,将采取监管行动。 The FCA warned that if insurers cannot meet their rules and provide fair value, regulatory action will be taken.