香港的消费物价在7月上涨2.5%, Hong Kong's consumer prices rose 2.5% YoY in July, led by utilities and transportation costs.
香港的消费物价在7月逐年上涨2.5%,这是八个月来的最高水平,这是由水电费和运输费上涨所驱动的。 Hong Kong's consumer prices rose 2.5% year-over-year in July, their highest level in eight months, driven by increases in utilities and transportation costs. 食品通胀稳定在1.9%,服装和鞋类价格下跌1.2%。 Food inflation remained steady at 1.9%, while clothing and footwear prices dropped 1.2%. 政府预计近期内将出现温和的总体通货膨胀,由于城市的增长和外部价格压力,国内成本将受到温和的上升压力,而外部价格压力将维持在缓和趋势上。 The government anticipates mild overall inflation in the near term, with moderate upward pressures on domestic costs due to the city's growth and external price pressures set to remain on a moderating trend.