墨尔本警方在为期一周的打击犯罪行动中逮捕了41人,其中包括12岁儿童。 Melbourne police arrested 41, including 12-year-olds, in a week-long anti-crime operation.
墨尔本警方在为期一周的针对武装抢劫、偷车和入室盗窃的行动中逮捕了41人,包括年仅12岁的年轻人。 Melbourne police arrested 41 individuals, including youths as young as 12, during a week-long operation targeting armed robberies, car thefts, and burglaries. 警方使用直升机和一支狗小分队追踪藏匿在后院的嫌疑犯。 Police used helicopters and a dog squad to track suspects hiding in backyards. 被逮捕者中包括参与多种犯罪的青少年。 Among those arrested were teenagers involved in multiple crimes. 这项名为Trinity的行动自开始以来已逮捕了673名盗窃犯和盗车者。 The operation, called Trinity, has resulted in 673 arrests of burglars and car thieves since it began.