澳大利亚当局报告,人口贩运案件急剧上升,自2018年以来增加了140%。 Australian authorities report a sharp rise in human trafficking cases, seeing a 140% increase since 2018.
澳大利亚当局报告,自2018年以来,强迫劳动和剥削案件增加了140%,犯罪网络利用欺骗性招募手段引诱外国工人进入澳大利亚。 Australian authorities have reported a 140% increase in forced labor and exploitation cases since 2018, with criminal networks using deceptive recruitment to lure foreign workers into the country. 调查这些罪行的澳大利亚联邦警察在2023-2024财政年度收到382起贩运人口罪报告。 The Australian Federal Police (AFP), which investigates these crimes, received 382 reports of human trafficking offenses in the 2023-2024 financial year. 澳大利亚联邦警察敦促公众报告任何对这类活动的怀疑。 The AFP urges the public to report any suspicions of such activities.