疾控中心更新了儿童因生病应何时留在家中的学校重新开学指南。 CDC updates guidelines on when children should stay home due to illness amid school reopenings.
学校重新开学,重点是出勤,疾病防治中心更新了儿童因疾病应何时留在家中的准则。 Schools reopen with a focus on attendance, and the CDC updates guidelines on when children should stay home due to illness. COVID-19检疫使父母在送生病儿童上学方面更加谨慎。 COVID-19 quarantines have made parents more cautious about sending sick children to school. 疾控中心建议,如果儿童发烧,他们应留在家中,在没有减烧药物的情况下,在24小时不发烧时返回。 The CDC advises if a child has a fever, they should stay home and return when fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication. 诸如流鼻涕、头痛或咳嗽等轻微症状是可以管理的,孩子们可以上学。 Mild symptoms such as a runny nose, headache, or cough can be managed, and kids can attend school. 但是,如果症状严重或恶化,请看医生。 However, if symptoms are severe or worsen, consult a doctor. 疾病预防控制中心仍建议在返回学校或正常活动后五天采取额外的预防措施,包括口罩,社交距离和良好的卫生习惯. The CDC still advises additional precautions for five days after returning to school or normal activities, including masks, social distancing, and good hygiene practices.