维多利亚政府的可负担住房计划在普雷斯顿和基尤的公共土地上有所回落,只有14%和10%用于社会住房. Victorian government's affordable housing plan rollback on public land in Preston and Kew, with only 14% and 10% for social housing.
批评者声称维多利亚州政府的经济适用住房计划无法有效解决墨尔本的住房危机, 最近的决定显示公共住房出现倒退。 Critics claim the Victorian government's affordable housing plan is ineffective in tackling Melbourne's housing crisis, with recent decisions showing a rollback on public housing. Preston和Kew的公用土地指定用于社会房屋和负担得起的房屋,将出售给私人开发商,分别只有14%和10%的房屋“可负担”。 Public land in Preston and Kew designated for social and affordable homes will be sold to private developers, with only 14% and 10% of homes respectively being "affordable". 这可能使10 000多户家庭流离失所,使他们在公共住房等候名单上的58 000个以上住户中增加5 000个。 This could displace over 10,000 households, adding them to the 58,000+ on the public housing waiting list.