新南威尔士州政府缩减住房计划,以应对反对和社区的担忧。 NSW government scales back housing plans in response to opposition and community concerns.
在联邦部长米歇尔·罗兰 (Michelle Rowland) 和当地社区的反对下,新南威尔士州政府缩减了其雄心勃勃的住房计划。 The NSW government has reduced its ambitious housing plans after opposition from federal minister Michelle Rowland and local communities. 在 Stanhope Gardens 和 Glenwood 建造多达 16,000 套房屋的计划被取消,Bella Vista 和 Kellyville 区的新住宅潜力从 20,700 套下降到 4,600 套。 Plans for up to 16,000 homes in Stanhope Gardens and Glenwood were scrapped, and the potential for new homes in the Bella Vista and Kellyville zone dropped from 20,700 to 4,600. 政府现在的目标是将 3% 的新住宅空间作为经济适用房,低于最初的 15% 目标。 The government now aims for 3% of new residential space to be affordable housing, a reduction from the initial 15% target.