西澳大利亚州计划在一项443MM倡议中建造近1 800个社会住房和负担得起的住房。 Western Australia plans to build nearly 1,800 social and affordable homes in a $443M initiative.
西澳大利亚州政府已公布一项4.43亿美元的计划,用于建造近1 800所社会房屋和负担得起的房屋,旨在缓解住房危机。 Western Australia's government has unveiled a $443 million plan to build nearly 1,800 social and affordable homes, aiming to ease the housing crisis. 该倡议得到联邦政府的支持,将在公共交通附近和政府拥有的土地上建造房屋。 The initiative, supported by the federal government, will construct homes near public transport and on government-owned land. 虽然产业团体欢迎这一举动, 反对派则批评住房承诺的时机和过去表现。 While industry groups welcome the move, the opposition criticizes the timing and past performance on housing promises.