由于反对派和社区的关注,新南威尔士州政府减少了悉尼地区计划建造的新住宅。 NSW government reduces planned new homes in Sydney areas due to opposition and community concerns.
由于联邦部长米歇尔·罗兰(Michelle Rowland)的反对和社区关注,新南威尔士州政府已缩减了在斯坦霍普花园和格伦伍德建造多达16 000所住房的计划。 The NSW government has scaled back plans to build up to 16,000 homes in Stanhope Gardens and Glenwood due to opposition from federal minister Michelle Rowland and community concerns. 这一减少是在宣布在悉尼设立7个交通中心,旨在提供近60 000个家庭和126 000个工作岗位之后作出的。 This reduction follows the announcement of seven transport centers aimed at providing nearly 60,000 homes and 126,000 jobs in Sydney. Bella Vista和Kellyville的潜在新住房数目从20 700所减至4 600所。 The number of potential new homes in Bella Vista and Kellyville was cut from 20,700 to 4,600. 政府现在将3%的新住房作为负担得起的目标。 The government now targets three percent of new housing to be affordable.