威斯康辛州奇佩瓦瀑布的TTM技术小火导致疏散和临时关闭道路。 Minor fire at TTM Technologies in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin led to evacuation and temporary road closure.
威斯康星州奇普瓦布的TTM技术公司发生小火灾导致设施疏散, Minor fire at TTM Technologies in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin led to evacuation of the facility and temporary closure of three roads. 雇员在消防人员抵达前用现场灭火器灭火。 Employees extinguished the fire using on-site extinguishers before fire crews arrived. 受伤的雇员住院。 The injured employee was hospitalized. 紧急救援人员与当地消防/紧急反应系统、Hazmat单位和Chippewa县应急管理部门合作。 Emergency crews worked with local fire/EMS, hazmat unit, and Chippewa County Emergency Management. 当局后来证实,大火熄灭,所有雇员都撤离。 Authorities later confirmed the fire was out, and all employees were evacuated.