10 名居民被疏散,损失 15 万美元,2 名消防员因热衰竭接受治疗;威斯康星州简斯维尔的前Ed's Sewing&Sumacuum商店火灾原因正在调查中。 10 residents evacuated, $150k damage, 2 firefighters treated for heat exhaustion; cause under investigation in fire at former Ed's Sewing & Vacuum store in Janesville, Wisconsin.
在威斯康辛州Janesville的前Ed's Sewing和Vacuum商店发生火灾,10名居民从楼上公寓撤离。 10 residents were evacuated from their upstairs apartments in a fire at the former Ed's Sewing and Vacuum store in Janesville, Wisconsin. 火灾造成150 000美元损坏,需要两名消防员进行热耗处理,但居民没有受伤的报告。 The fire, which caused $150,000 damage, required two firefighters to be treated for heat exhaustion but no injuries were reported among the residents. 流离失所的居民与家人或朋友找到临时住所。 Displaced residents found temporary accommodation with family or friends. 火灾原因仍在调查之中。 The cause of the fire is still under investigation.