美国边防人员在亚利桑那州的圣路易斯港截获了价值805 000美元的毒品,包括甲基安非他明和可卡因。 U.S. border agents intercepted $805,000 worth of drugs, including meth and cocaine, at Arizona's San Luis port.
美国海关和边境保护官员在亚利桑那州San Luis入境港缉获了176磅毒品,包括117磅甲基苯丙胺和69磅可卡因,价值805 359美元。 U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers seized 176 pounds of drugs, including 117 pounds of methamphetamine and 69 pounds of cocaine, valued at $805,359, at the San Luis Port of Entry in Arizona. 在两天多的两次事件中,在一名23岁的美国男子和一名42岁的墨西哥男子驾驶的汽车中发现了这些毒品。 The drugs were found in two separate incidents over two days in vehicles driven by a 23-year-old American man and a 42-year-old Mexican man. 缴获的毒品阻止了这些毒品进入美国社区。 The seizures prevented the drugs from entering U.S. communities.