南非当局在德班查获了价值450万美元的可卡因,这些可卡因藏在红豆货物中。 South African authorities seized $4.5 million worth of cocaine hidden in red bean shipments in Durban.
南非当局在德班缉获了价值约8 650万兰特(约450万美元)的大宗可卡因货物。 South African authorities have seized a large cocaine shipment worth about R86.5 million (approximately $4.5 million) in Durban. 这些毒品被藏在从巴西进口的红豆袋中。 The drugs were hidden in bags of red beans imported from Brazil. 一名墨西哥国民被捕,扣押表明在南非的贩毒卡特尔活动有可能扩大。 A Mexican national was arrested, and the seizure suggests a possible expansion of drug cartel operations in South Africa. 这一事件是目前打击国际毒品贩运努力的一部分。 This incident is part of ongoing efforts to combat international drug trafficking.