联邦法官允许因误导Gatorade蛋白质酒吧营销而对PepsiCo提起诉讼。 Federal judge allows lawsuit against PepsiCo for misleading Gatorade protein bar marketing.
一位联邦法官裁定,PepsiCo可以因销售Gatorade蛋白质棒的健康而被起诉,尽管其糖含量超过典型的糖果棒的含量。 A federal judge ruled that PepsiCo can be sued for marketing Gatorade protein bars as healthy, despite their sugar content exceeding that of typical candy bars. 这场诉讼由三名健康爱好者领导, 声称酒吧内含糖多于蛋白质, 并误导消费者进行欺骗性营销。 The lawsuit, led by three fitness enthusiasts, claims the bars contain more sugar than protein and mislead consumers with deceptive marketing. PepsiCo否认这些说法,说酒吧没有以健康或低糖市场销售。 PepsiCo denies the claims, stating the bars are not marketed as healthy or low in sugar. 原告寻求未指明的损害赔偿。 The plaintiffs seek unspecified damages.