公平贸易委员会起诉PepsiCo公司据称向Walmart公司提供独家交易,提高其他商店的价格。 FTC sues PepsiCo for allegedly giving Walmart exclusive deals, raising prices at other stores.
联邦贸易委员会起诉了PepsiCo公司,据称该公司向Walmart公司提供独家促销交易,导致其他零售商的PepsiCo产品价格上扬。 The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has sued PepsiCo for allegedly providing Walmart with exclusive promotional deals, leading to higher prices for PepsiCo products at other retailers. PepsiCo否认这些指控,说它们“不符合事实和法律”。 PepsiCo denies the allegations, stating they are "wrong on the facts and the law." 这项诉讼是根据1936年《鲁滨逊-帕特曼法》提起的,目的是防止价格歧视有利于大型零售商而不利于小型零售商。 The lawsuit, filed under the 1936 Robinson-Patman Act, aims to prevent price discrimination favoring large retailers over smaller ones. PepsiCo坚持其做法在该行业是标准的。 PepsiCo insists its practices are standard in the industry.