中国在伦敦重新递交使馆申请,测试英国劳工政府与英国的关系。 China resubmits embassy application in London, testing UK Labour gov't on China-UK relations.
中国再次申请在伦敦建立大型大使馆,测试英国劳工政府处理中英关系的新战略。 China resubmits application to build large embassy in London, testing the new UK Labour government's strategy for handling China-UK relations. 新的使馆计划最初因安全考虑被塔塔哈姆雷特理事会否决,但在劳工政府掌权后又重新提交。 The new embassy plans, initially rejected by Tower Hamlets council due to security concerns, were resubmitted after the Labour government took power. 如果再次遭到拒绝,国家政府可参与决策进程。 If rejected again, the national government may become involved in the decision-making process. 该大使馆将是中国在欧洲最大的大使馆,但遭到国会议员和当地居民的反对,他们担心安全和潜在的抗议活动。 The embassy, which would be China's largest in Europe, has faced opposition from MPs and local residents concerned about security and potential protests.