意大利有创纪录的、长时间的热浪刺激了健康警报和冰川退缩。 Record-breaking, prolonged heatwave prompts health alerts and glacier retreat in Italy.
意大利破纪录的热浪引起了人们的关切,勃朗峰的温度在近33小时的冰封之上,这是前所未有的。 A record-breaking heatwave in Italy has raised concerns, with temperatures on Mont Blanc remaining above freezing for nearly 33 hours, an unprecedented occurrence. 今年是意大利连续第三年发生密集、长期和干燥的热浪,影响到主要城市和偏远的阿尔卑斯山地区。 This year marks the third consecutive year of intense, prolonged, and dry heatwaves in Italy, affecting major cities and remote Alpine regions. 勃朗峰的气温已经三次上升到冰点以上,加速了巨大冰川的退缩。 Temperatures have risen above freezing on Mont Blanc three times, accelerating the retreat of massive glaciers. 意大利27个最大城市中的17个城市已发出"红色"健康危险警报, 预计下周日气温将降低, 伴随着雷暴. The heatwave has prompted "red" alerts for health risks in 17 of Italy's 27 largest cities, with temperatures expected to cool starting next Sunday, accompanied by thunderstorms.