印度钢铁协会要求对低级铁矿石征收20%的出口税,对颗粒征收10%的出口税,目的是到2030年使钢产量翻一番。 Indian Steel Association requests 20% export tax on low-grade iron ore and 10% on pellets, aims to double steel output by 2030.
印度钢铁协会(ISA)已要求印度政府对低级铁矿石(低于58%的铁含量)征收20%的出口税,并对所有铁矿石颗粒征收10%的税,以解决国内短缺问题。 The Indian Steel Association (ISA) has requested the Indian government to impose a 20% export tax on low-grade iron ore (<58 % 10% a address all and content) domestic iron on ore pellets shortages.< span tax to> 印度的目标是到2030年将其钢产量翻一番,达到每年3亿公吨,以促进经济增长和基础设施发展。 India aims to double its steel output to 300 million metric tonnes per year by 2030 for economic growth and infrastructure development. 美国铁矿石局还寻求更快地进行铁矿石租拍卖,并增加国有生产商的产量以达到目标. ISA also seeks faster iron ore lease auctions and increased production from state-owned producers to meet the target. 延伸阅读