一个贝尔法斯特家庭在塞夫顿面临无家可归问题,因为他们的住房申请尽管受到威胁却被拒绝。 A Belfast family faces homelessness in Sefton after their housing appeal was denied despite threats.
一个来自北爱尔兰贝尔法斯特的六口家庭, 在逃离死亡威胁和暴力之后, 今年圣诞节面临无家可归。 A family of six from Belfast, Northern Ireland, is facing homelessness this Christmas after fleeing death threats and violence. 自4月搬到默西塞塞德的塞夫顿以来,他们一直住在临时住所。 Since moving to Sefton, Merseyside, in April, they have lived in temporary accommodation. Sefton理事会以贝尔法斯特的风险证据不足为由驳回了他们的住房上诉,并发出了驱逐通知。 Sefton Council rejected their housing appeal, citing insufficient evidence of risk in Belfast, and issued an eviction notice. 家人担心返回贝尔法斯特会危及他们的生命,并正在寻求援助以避免分居和无家可归。 The family fears that returning to Belfast could endanger their lives and is seeking assistance to avoid separation and homelessness.