乌克兰夫妇反对爱尔兰削减福利的决定, 辩称这违反了欧洲法律。 Ukrainian couple fights Irish decision to cut welfare, arguing it violates European law.
在爱尔兰临时保护下生活的一对乌克兰夫妇正在寻求法院命令恢复他们的残疾和社会福利津贴,这些津贴在被重新归类为住在“指定住所”后被削减。 A Ukrainian couple living under temporary protection in Ireland are seeking a court order to restore their disability and social welfare allowances, which were cut after they were reclassified as living in "designated accommodation." 他们辩称,这一削减违反了欧洲法律和《爱尔兰宪法》,因为它忽略了他们目前的困境。 They argue that the reduction is a breach of European law and the Irish Constitution, as it overlooks their ongoing hardships. 2月,高等法院准许他们进行司法审查听证会。 The High Court has granted them a judicial review hearing in February.