俄克拉荷马州Tulsa的狗因咀嚼锂离子电源银行而意外引发房屋火灾。 Dog in Tulsa, Oklahoma accidentally caused house fire by chewing on lithium-ion power bank.
俄克拉荷马州Tulsa的一只狗在咀嚼锂离子电源库时意外地引起房屋火灾,该电库爆炸并点燃。 A dog in Tulsa, Oklahoma accidentally caused a house fire by chewing on a lithium-ion power bank, which exploded and ignited. 这一事件被室内摄像头捕获,这只狗和其他宠物得以从狗的门中逃脱。 The incident was captured on an indoor camera, and the dog, along with other pets, were able to escape through a doggy door. Tulsa消防局建议不要让宠物和儿童用锂离子电池,以防止发生此类事件。 The Tulsa Fire Department advises keeping lithium-ion batteries away from pets and children to prevent such incidents.