俄克拉荷马州Tulsa的一只狗在咀嚼一个锂离子电池包时意外引起房屋火灾。 A dog in Tulsa, Oklahoma accidentally caused a house fire by chewing a lithium-ion battery pack.
俄克拉荷马州塔尔萨的一只狗不小心咀嚼了用于为手机充电的便携式锂离子电池组,引发了房屋火灾。 A dog in Tulsa, Oklahoma accidentally caused a house fire by chewing on a portable lithium-ion battery pack used for charging cell phones. 由Tulsa消防局拍摄的录像显示,狗在电池房里被咬,然后在宠物床上起火点火,当时有两只狗在场。 The video footage, captured by the Tulsa Fire Department, shows the dog biting through the battery's housing, which then sparked and ignited a fire on a pet bed, with two dogs present during the incident. 狗和一只猫从狗门中逃脱,没有受伤。 The dogs and a cat escaped through a dog door unharmed. Tulsa消防局利用这一事件提醒人们不要让儿童及宠物用到电池。 The Tulsa Fire Department has used this incident as a reminder to keep batteries out of reach of children and pets.