新西兰警察协会要求参与火器法改革协商,质疑司法部副部长的独立性。 New Zealand Police Association demands involvement in firearms law reform consultation, questioning Associate Minister of Justice's independence.
新西兰警察协会声称被排除在火器法改革协商之外,敦促克里斯托弗·卢克松总理让他们参与。 New Zealand Police Association claims exclusion from firearms law reform consultation, urging Prime Minister Christopher Luxon to involve them. 协会质疑司法部副部长Nicole Mckee的独立性,呼吁警察部长Mark Mitchell参与这一进程。 The Association questions the independence of Associate Minister of Justice, Nicole McKee, and calls for Police Minister, Mark Mitchell's involvement in the process. McKee否认这些指控,并强调警察将有机会在火器法改革的四个阶段提交呈件。 McKee denies the accusations and highlights that the police will have opportunities to make submissions throughout the four phases of firearm law reform.