理查德·钱伯斯具有近30年的经验,成为新西兰新任警务专员。 Richard Chambers, with nearly 30 years of experience, becomes New Zealand's new Police Commissioner.
理查德·钱伯斯被任命为新西兰新任警察局长,接替安德鲁·科斯特。 Richard Chambers has been appointed as New Zealand's new Police Commissioner, succeeding Andrew Coster. 拥有近30年的经验,包括在严重犯罪调查和管理警方对大流行病的反应方面发挥作用, 预计钱伯斯将专注于支持前线官员,打击帮派和有组织犯罪. With nearly 30 years of experience, including roles in serious crime investigations and managing the police response to the pandemic, Chambers is expected to focus on supporting frontline officers and cracking down on gangs and organized crime. 这项任命与政府强调法律和秩序相一致。 The appointment aligns with the government's emphasis on law and order.