新西兰联合政府计划加强枪支法和重写武器法,声称先前的劳工政府匆忙通过的法律没有效力。 New Zealand Coalition Government plans to strengthen gun laws and rewrite Arms Act, claiming previous Labour Government's rushed laws were ineffective.
新西兰联合政府批评劳工政府先前的冲锋枪法,声称这些法律没有改善公共安全。 New Zealand's Coalition Government criticizes the previous Labour Government's rushed gun laws, claiming they did not improve public safety. 协理司法部长打算加强禁止火器令,以更协商的方式改写《武器法》。 The Associate Justice Minister intends to strengthen Firearms Prohibition Orders and rewrite the Arms Act, with a more consultative approach. 尽管劳工政府作出了150万美元以上的没收努力,但警察仍然在犯罪分子手中找到火器。 Despite the Labour Government's $150m+ confiscation efforts, police continue to find firearms in criminals' hands.