新西兰计划重写1983年的《武器法》,以加强安全和简化火器条例。 New Zealand plans to rewrite its 1983 Arms Act to enhance safety and simplify firearm regulations.
新西兰政府计划重订1983年《武器法》,以加强公共安全和简化条例。 New Zealand's government plans to rewrite the Arms Act of 1983, aiming to enhance public safety and simplify regulations. 该进程由司法部长Nicole Mckee宣布,包括2025年1月至2月的公开协商,并提交指导政策制定的文件。 The process, announced by Justice Minister Nicole McKee, includes public consultation from January to February 2025, with submissions to guide policy development. 针对与火器有关的悲剧,经过多年的修正之后,这项法案有望在2025年后期提出。 The move follows years of amendments in response to firearms-related tragedies, and the bill is expected to be introduced in late 2025.