美国海军计划在从潜艇成功进行远程导弹试验后提高能力。 US Navy plans enhanced capacity after successful long-range missile test from a submarine.
根据一份报告,美国海军计划在成功进行远程导弹试验后加强其能力。 The US Navy plans to enhance its capacity following a successful long-range missile test, according to a report. 试验涉及从潜艇发射导弹,表明有能力远距离攻击目标。 The test involved firing a missile from a submarine, demonstrating the capability to strike targets at great distances. 海军的目标是改进其总体导弹技术,并制定对付潜在威胁的新战略。 The Navy aims to improve its overall missile technology and develop new strategies to counter potential threats.