联合王国测试新的SPEAR导弹,这是一种旨在增强军事能力的精密武器。 UK tests new SPEAR missile, a precision weapon aimed at enhancing military capabilities.
联合王国成功地试验了新的SPEAR巡航导弹,这是一种远程精密制导武器,旨在避开现代防御系统,瞄准地面防空系统、船只和车辆。 The UK has successfully tested its new SPEAR cruise missile, a long-range, precision-guided weapon designed to evade modern defenses and target ground-based air defenses, ships, and vehicles. 这项发展是联合王国65亿英镑的武器投资的一部分,目的是在全球紧张局势加剧的情况下加强其军事能力。 This development is part of the UK's £6.5 billion investment in weaponry and is intended to enhance its military capabilities amid rising global tensions. 这枚由台风战斗机试验的导弹预计要到本十年结束前才能投入使用。 The missile, tested from a Typhoon fighter, is not expected to enter service until the end of the decade.