美国计划在2034年前部署一枚新的核海上发射导弹,现在寻求工业投入。 The U.S. plans to deploy a new nuclear sea-launched missile by 2034, seeking industry input now.
美国计划在三年内研制一个新的有核武器的海上发射巡航导弹,预计到2034年部署。 The U.S. plans to develop a new nuclear-armed sea-launched cruise missile within three years, with deployment expected by 2034. 在格鲁吉亚和华盛顿的战略武器地点开展行动很快需要原型。 Prototypes will be needed soon for operations at strategic weapons sites in Georgia and Washington. 导弹将装在弗吉尼亚级潜艇上。 The missiles will be mounted on Virginia-class submarines. 五角大楼正在寻求国防工业的市场研究,以衡量对该项目的兴趣和准备情况。 The Pentagon is seeking market research from defense industries to gauge interest and readiness for the project.