澳大利亚皇家海军测试标准导弹6(SM-6),用于改进空中和导弹防御。 Royal Australian Navy tests Standard Missile 6 (SM-6) for improved air and missile defense.
澳大利亚皇家海军成功测试了标准导弹6(SM-6),改进了其地面战斗舰队的空中和导弹防御、致命性和远程打击能力。 The Royal Australian Navy successfully tested the Standard Missile 6 (SM-6), improving air and missile defense, lethality, and long-range strike capabilities for its surface combatant fleet. SM-6将部署在霍巴特级驱逐舰和未来亨特级护卫舰上,与阿尔巴内斯政府的国防战略保持一致。 The SM-6 will be deployed on Hobart class destroyers and future Hunter class frigates, aligning with the Albanese Government's National Defence Strategy. 这一发展加强了综合空中和导弹防御系统,补充了已经投入使用的标准导弹2。 This development enhances integrated air and missile defense systems and complements the Standard Missile 2 already in service.