美国海军计划用爱国者导弹武装船只,以对抗中国在太平洋的超声波威胁。 The US Navy plans to arm vessels with Patriot missiles to counter China's hypersonic threats in the Pacific.
美国海军计划为一些船只配备爱国者拦截导弹,以对抗中国针对太平洋船只的潜在超音速武器。 The US Navy plans to equip some vessels with Patriot interceptor missiles to counter China's potential hypersonic weapons targeting ships in the Pacific. PAC-3 MSE拦截器主要由陆军使用,可以加强海军导弹防御系统。 The PAC-3 MSE interceptors, primarily used by the Army, could enhance the Navy's missile defense systems. 以前在乌克兰打击操纵超音速导弹的成功突出显示了它们的效力。 Previous successes against maneuvering hypersonic missiles in Ukraine highlight their effectiveness. 此外,美国正在探索与日本联合生产这些导弹,并计划在佛罗里达建造新的生产线。 Additionally, the US is exploring joint production of these missiles with Japan and plans a new production line in Florida.