OPCC审查维多利亚州警察中士因泄露未编辑文件而被降职。 OPCC reviews Victoria Police sergeant demotion for leaking unredacted documents.
警务申诉专员办公室安排审查维多利亚警察局降级问题。 Office of Police Complaint Commissioner arranges review of demotion of Victoria Police Dept. 中士向媒体透露了未经编辑的文件 sergeant who disclosed unredacted documents to media. 退休法官将审查调查和纪律听证会提供的证据和材料,以确定是否发生了不当行为,是否需要采取纠正行动。 A retired judge will examine evidence and materials from investigation and discipline hearing to determine if misconduct occurred and if corrective action is needed. 警长要求举行公开听证会,但OPCC认为没有必要;一名退休的省级法院法官将对记录在案的复审作出裁决。 The sergeant requested a public hearing, but the OPCC deems it unnecessary; a retired provincial court judge will adjudicate the review on record.