塔斯马尼亚警察督察因圣诞节派对期间的性行为不端指控而被解雇。 Tasmanian Police inspector dismissed due to sexual misconduct allegations during a Christmas party.
在对2023年12月圣诞派对期间的性行为失检指控进行调查后,一名塔斯马尼亚警官被解职。 A Tasmanian Police inspector was dismissed after an investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct during a December 2023 Christmas party. 尽管没有提出刑事指控,但根据2003年《警察服务法》,终止合同是根据专员关于该警官是否适合服役的判决进行的。 The termination, under the Police Service Act 2003, followed the Commissioner’s judgment on the officer's suitability for service, despite no criminal charges being pursued. 专员唐娜·亚当斯强调了问责制和廉正在维持公众对警察的信任方面的重要性。 Commissioner Donna Adams highlighted the importance of accountability and integrity in maintaining public confidence in the police.