前温哥华警察中士因批评性攻击受害者而受到纪律处分。 Former Vancouver police sergeant disciplined for criticizing sexual assault victim.
一项纪律调查发现,一名前温哥华警察中士Dosanjh对一名同事关于她遭到另一名警察性攻击的法庭证词作了不尊重的评论。 A disciplinary investigation found that a former Vancouver police sergeant, Dosanjh, shared disrespectful commentary on a colleague's court testimony regarding her sexual assault by another officer. 这些评论称受害人为“醉酒不良”,并怀疑案件的有效性,认为这些评论反映了关于妇女提出性攻击指控的常见神话。 The comments, which called the victim a "bad drunk" and doubted the case's validity, were found to reflect common myths about women making sexual assault claims. Dosanjh被认为犯有可诽谤的行为,而针对一名更高级的军官的投诉则缺乏事实根据。 Dosanjh was deemed to have committed discreditable conduct, while complaints against a more senior officer were unsubstantiated. 这一决定被视为受害人的胜利,是朝改变警务内部文化方向迈出的一步。 The decision was seen as a victory for the victim and a step toward changing the culture within policing.