4岁的Madison Davis 在2022年的汽车枪击中受了致命伤 现在被判杀人罪 4-year-old Madison Davis, fatally injured in 2022 vehicle shooting, now ruled a homicide.
4 岁的麦迪逊·戴维斯 (Madison Davis) 于 2022 年在阿卡德尔菲亚路 (Arkadelphia Road) 的父亲在他们的车内被枪杀后遭受了危及生命的伤害和创伤性脑损伤,她的死因被裁定为凶杀案。 4-year-old Madison Davis, who suffered life-threatening injuries and a traumatic brain injury after her father was shot in their vehicle on Arkadelphia Road in 2022, has had her death ruled a homicide. 最初的事件杀死了麦迪逊的父亲德马库斯·埃特万·莫斯(Demarkus Etwan Moss),在与法医办公室协商后被重新分类。 The initial incident, which killed Madison's father Demarkus Etwan Moss, was reclassified following consultation with the medical examiner's office.