19岁的Ryan Davis被控在密西西比州弗林特犯有一级谋杀13岁和15岁少年的罪行;与附近另一起枪击案有关。 19-year-old Ryan Davis charged with 1st-degree murders of 13 & 15-year-olds in Flint, MI; linked to another nearby shooting.
19岁的Ryan Davis被控谋杀13岁的Dontavis Moore和15岁的Dominique Ward, 于2024年6月26日在密歇根弗林特被枪杀。 Nineteen-year-old Ryan Davis has been charged with the first-degree murders of 13-year-old Dontavis Moore and 15-year-old Dominique Ward, who were shot in Flint, Michigan, on June 26, 2024. 戴维斯面临两项在建筑物内或在建筑物内造成死亡的指控. Davis faces two counts of discharge in or at a building causing death. 当局认为这起事件可能与附近另一起枪击事件有关。 Authorities believe this incident may be linked to another nearby shooting. 如果被定罪,Davis可能会面临强制性的无期徒刑,不得假释。 If convicted, Davis could face a mandatory life sentence without parole. 可以向警方或犯罪制止者报告提示。 Tips can be reported to police or Crime Stoppers.