29 岁的父亲迈克尔·戴维斯因谋杀 4 周大的奥利·戴维斯而被判处终身监禁;其伴侣凯莉·德莱弗因对孩子的死亡和伤害被判处 7 年有期徒刑。 29-year-old Father Michael Davis sentenced to life for murdering 4-week-old Ollie Davis; partner Kayleigh Driver gets 7 years for child's death and harm.
400 个字符的摘要:29 岁的迈克尔·戴维斯神父因谋杀其四周大的婴儿奥利·戴维斯 (Ollie Davis) 而被判处终身监禁,最低刑期为 22 年,奥利·戴维斯于 2017 年因颈部骨折死亡。 400-character summary: Father Michael Davis, 29, was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum term of 22 years for murdering his four-week-old baby, Ollie Davis, who died from a broken neck in 2017. 奥利还断裂了 23 根肋骨,头骨、锁骨、双臂和所有四肢关节均骨折。 Ollie also suffered 23 broken ribs, fractures to his skull, collarbone, both arms and all limb joints. 戴维斯的伴侣凯莉·德莱弗因纵容孩子死亡并造成严重身体伤害而被判处七年有期徒刑。 Davis's partner, Kayleigh Driver, was sentenced to seven years for allowing the death of their child and causing serious physical harm.