15岁的麦迪逊·盖斯温(Madison Gesswein)被谋杀,雅各布·布朗(Jacobean Brown)因枪击罪被判处无期徒刑,另外两名嫌疑人面临审判。 15-year-old Madison Gesswein was murdered, Jacobean Brown sentenced to life for shooting, and two other suspects face trial.
2023 年 2 月 21 日,15 岁的麦迪逊·盖斯温 (Madison Gesswein) 在她位于桃树市的公寓中被谋杀。 15-year-old Madison Gesswein was murdered in her Peachtree City apartment on Feb 21, 2023. 18岁的雅各布·布朗(Jacobean Brown)被判犯有向她头部开枪的罪行,并被判处终身监禁,不得假释加六年。 Jacobean Brown, 18, was found guilty of shooting her in the head and sentenced to life in prison without parole plus six years. 另外两名嫌疑人,同样18岁的贾斯图斯·史密斯(Justus Smith)和耶稣·马蒂斯(Yeshua Mathis),面临同样指控的9月审判日期。 Two other suspects, Justus Smith and Yeshua Mathis, also 18, face a September trial date for the same charges. 当局强调解决青少年暴力问题的重要性。 Authorities emphasize the importance of addressing youth violence.