伦敦Walthamstow的劳工委员Ricky Jones因煽动对极右抗议者的暴力行为而被捕,被停职。 Labour councillor Ricky Jones arrested, suspended for inciting violence against far-right protesters in Walthamstow, London.
劳工委员Ricky Jones因抗议极右派抗议者应割喉而遭逮捕和停职。 Labour councillor Ricky Jones has been arrested and suspended after allegedly telling a protest that far-right protesters should have their throats cut. 事件发生在伦敦Walthamstow的一次反示威中,听到琼斯对极右示威者发表暴力言论。 The incident took place during a counter-demonstration in Walthamstow, London, where Jones was heard making violent remarks against far-right demonstrators. 首都警察已经确认他被捕, 工党在达特福德市议会会议期间暂停了他的席位. The Metropolitan Police have confirmed his arrest, and Labour has suspended him from their benches during Dartford Borough Council meetings. 该党指出,该行为“完全不能接受”,是不能容忍的。 The party has stated that the behaviour is "completely unacceptable" and will not be tolerated.