61岁的大卫·斯普林 在伦敦怀特霍尔的极右示威中 因暴力混乱入狱18个月 61-year-old David Spring jailed for 18 months for violent disorder at a far-right demonstration in Whitehall, London.
8月13日在伦敦怀特霍尔的极右示威中, 61岁的大卫·斯普林因暴力混乱入狱18个月。 61-year-old David Spring has been jailed for 18 months for violent disorder at a far-right demonstration in Whitehall, London, on August 13. 这次活动由Daniel Thomas(又名Danny Tommo)组织,他召集极右翼成员复制早先一起涉及与谋杀有关的虚假信息的事件中的场景。 The event was organised by Daniel Thomas (aka Danny Tommo), who had gathered members of the far-right to replicate scenes from an earlier incident involving false information related to a murder. 共有38人因该事件被控犯罪。 In total, 38 people have been charged with offences stemming from the event. 指挥官Lou Puddefoot承认军官在示威期间面临的挑战,并感谢那些审查了数小时的录像以建立在法庭上陈述的案件的人。 Commander Lou Puddefoot acknowledged the challenging circumstances faced by officers during the demonstration and thanked those who reviewed hours of footage to build the cases being presented in court. 除了Spring之外,一个名叫Chris Jones的男子因违反公共秩序罪被罚款350英镑,另一个叫Ryan Atkin的人因类似费用被处以12个月的社区命令,60小时的无报酬工作。 In addition to Spring, a man named Chris Jones was fined £350 for a public order offense, and another, Ryan Atkin, received a 12-month community order with 60 hours of unpaid work for similar charges.