在加沙,技术活动家和巴勒斯坦工程师冒着生命危险在冲突期间维持互联网连通。 In Gaza, tech activists and Palestinian engineers risk their lives to maintain internet connectivity during conflict.
在加沙,互联网是冲突期间生存的关键,因为它提供最新信息和安全指示。 In Gaza, the internet is critical for survival during conflict, as it provides up-to-date information and safety instructions. 技术活动家和巴勒斯坦工程师冒着生命危险,通过电子SIMs(eSIMs)维持这一关键连接,并修复受损的基础设施。 Tech activists and Palestinian engineers risk their lives to maintain this crucial connection through electronic SIMs (eSIMs) and repair damaged infrastructure. 尽管存在诸如资金困难和只在夜间运作的电子安全服务项目等障碍,但它们在遭受破坏和危险的情况下继续努力。 Despite obstacles such as funding difficulties and eSIMs only functioning at night, they continue their efforts in the midst of devastation and danger.