由于囚犯交换和信任问题,加沙冲突在停火会谈中面临障碍。 Gaza conflict faces hurdles in ceasefire talks due to prisoner exchanges and trust issues.
加沙目前的冲突在达成停火和释放人质方面面临关键障碍,包括交换囚犯细节、永久停火和以色列撤军。 The ongoing conflict in Gaza faces key obstacles in reaching a ceasefire and hostage release, including prisoner exchange details, the permanence of the ceasefire, and Israeli force withdrawals. 哈马斯要求释放巴勒斯坦囚犯, 而以色列则寻求“彻底胜利”。 Both sides accuse each other of backtracking, with Hamas demanding the release of Palestinian prisoners and Israel seeking "total victory." 美国、卡塔尔和埃及的调解努力仍在继续,但由于各方的深刻不信任和复杂要求,进展缓慢。 Mediation efforts by the US, Qatar, and Egypt continue, but progress is slow due to deep mistrust and complex demands from each side.