阿联酋在加沙的阿联酋野战医院利用Starlink与全球专家进行远程医疗咨询。 UAE's Emirati field hospital in Gaza uses Starlink for remote medical consultations with global experts.
位于加沙的阿联酋阿联酋野战医院利用Starlink技术与全球专家进行远程医疗咨询,改善病人护理。 The UAE's Emirati field hospital in Gaza uses Starlink technology for remote medical consultations with global experts, improving patient care. 7个月前启动的这一先进的连通性使医院能够与世界各地的专家合作,在20次协商会议上讨论50个病例。 Initiated seven months ago, this advanced connectivity allows the hospital to collaborate with specialists worldwide, discussing 50 cases in 20 consultative sessions. 有些病例已转至阿联酋医疗中心进一步治疗。 Some cases have been referred to medical centers in the UAE for further treatment. Starlink提供实时视频通信和专门知识交流,以拯救生命,支持阿联酋努力解决加沙危急的保健状况。 Starlink offers real-time video communication and expertise exchange to save lives, supporting the UAE's efforts to address Gaza's critical healthcare situation.