堪萨斯州天然气服务公司的费率案件转向结算听证,每月可能增加3.83美元,供住客使用。 Kansas Gas Service's rate case shifts to settlement hearing, with potential $3.83 monthly increase for residential customers.
堪萨斯州天然气服务公司的费率案件已转到和解听证会,在KCC工作人员、堪萨斯州天然气服务公司、公民公用事业收费委员会以及WoodRiver能源公司达成一致解决协议之后。 Kansas Gas Service's rate case has shifted to a settlement hearing, following a unanimous settlement agreement by KCC Staff, Kansas Gas Service, Citizens Utility Ratepayer Board, and WoodRiver Energy. 8月13日的听证会将决定平均使用量的住客是否每月增加3.83美元(每年42.02美元),以取代基于高用量或低用量的拟议两级费率制度。 The hearing on Aug 13th will decide if residential customers with average usage experience a $3.83 monthly increase ($42.02 yearly), replacing the proposed two-tiered rate system based on high or low usage. 决定将于2024年10月25日定稿。 The decision will be finalized by Oct 25th, 2024.