密苏里州立法者考虑根据预计费用而不是过去的开支来考虑允许公用事业费率的法案。 Missouri lawmakers consider bill allowing utility rates based on projected costs, not past expenses.
密苏里州立法者正在考虑一项法案,该法案将允许公用事业公司以预计成本而不是过去的实际成本作为费率的基础。 Missouri lawmakers are considering a bill that would let utility companies base rates on projected costs instead of actual past costs. 支持者认为这可以提供更多最新数据, 而批评者则认为这可能是增加利润的会计伎俩, 并可能导致水电费上涨10%。 Supporters say this would allow for more current data, while critics argue it could be an accounting trick to boost profits and could lead to a 10% rise in utility bills. 公共服务委员会现在要求公用事业公司每隔几年提出新费率,在改变之前举行公开听证会。 The Public Service Commission now requires utility companies to propose new rates every few years, with public hearings before changes.