堪萨斯州计划一个105.6M的回扣方案 来降低中低收入家庭的能源成本 Kansas plans a $105.6M rebate program to cut energy costs for low to moderate-income homes.
堪萨斯公司委员会 (KCC) 正在制定堪萨斯州房屋回扣计划,该计划由《通货膨胀削减法案》的 1.056 亿美元资助,旨在帮助中低收入家庭降低能源成本。 The Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) is developing the Kansas Home Rebates Program, funded by $105.6 million from the Inflation Reduction Act, to help low to moderate-income households lower energy costs. 与HORNE合作,肯尼亚竞争委员会将让公用事业公司和承包商等利益攸关方参与,以调整该方案。 Partnering with HORNE, the KCC will engage stakeholders like utility companies and contractors to tailor the program. 美国能源部必须在2025年1月31日前批准该方案,此后将提供回扣。 The U.S. Department of Energy must approve the program by January 31, 2025, after which rebates will be available. 更多详情见KCC网站。 More details are on the KCC website.