堪萨斯公司委员会批准KGS增加的3 500美元收入,使住宅每月账单增加3.83美元。 Kansas Corporation Commission approves KGS's $35M revenue increase, raising residential monthly bills by $3.83.
堪萨斯公司委员会已批准对 Kansas Gas Service 达成和解,将该公用事业公司要求的 5810 万美元收入增加减少到 3500 万美元。 The Kansas Corporation Commission has approved a settlement for Kansas Gas Service, reducing the utility's requested $58.1 million revenue increase to $35 million. 从11月1日起,住客每月平均费用将增加3.83美元,每年共计46.02美元。 Effective November 1, residential customers will see an average monthly bill rise of $3.83, totaling $46.02 annually. 最初提出的基于使用率的可变率结构因反对而撤销。 The initially proposed variable rate structures based on usage were withdrawn due to opposition. 该协议旨在平衡KGS的财政需求与客户费率,同时确保可靠的服务。 This agreement aims to balance KGS’s financial needs with customer rates while ensuring reliable service.