Chapman大学研究人员进行了第一次空间考古勘察,揭示了国际空间站地区预期和实际使用之间的差异。 Chapman University researchers conducted the first archaeological survey in space, revealing discrepancies between intended and actual use of ISS areas.
查普曼大学研究人员进行了第一次空间考古勘察,对国际空间站的传统方法进行了调整。 Chapman University researchers conducted the first archaeological survey in space, adapting traditional methods for the International Space Station (ISS). 他们运用考古框架研究作为文物的国际空间站材料,记录了6个地点,为期60天。 They applied an archaeological framework to study ISS materials as artifacts, documenting six locations for 60 days. 将图像与宇航员活动报告相互参照,揭示了某些区域的意图和实际使用之间的差异,为未来空间站的设计提供了宝贵的见解。 Cross-referencing the images with astronaut activity reports revealed discrepancies between intended and actual use of certain areas, providing valuable insights for future space station design.